When it comes to creating your content for social media, everyone knows you want it to be perfect. Hair perfect, makeup perfect, office clean and tidy. The perfect image. But how many of us just don’t find the time to do this. Apart from planning weeks in advance that you’re going to do it all in one day it’s just not possible in the current way we live.
This became really apparent for me when I was on a social media training the other day. One of the ladies bravely shared a story of when she was on a call with her coach and the advice given was ‘Just batch content on the days you look presentable’. Really?!?! I know I tell myself this all the time but actually it really hit home for me because who looks perfect all the time? I can’t remember the last time I wore makeup to just be at home. Plus, whose office is tidy and presentable all the time? Mine certainly isn’t and it made me realise that I’m just not prepared to curate this picture perfect image on social media just because that is what social media makes us think we should do.

Showing up online is all about making connections. True connections. I believe this with all my heart and I find it so sad that it has been lost throughout the development of social media. So I warn you that you shall be seeing me as I am, straw in my hair and mud on my cheek because that is my reality. If I’m at the yard with Twiggy and I decide I’d love to share something with you then I’ll do it there and then no matter what I look like. If I’m on a walk with Kenny and I think the Lincolnshire countryside looks absolutely stunning…. I’ll share it with you. And if I’m in the garden- my absolute happy place- and I’m covered in soil as I’ve just pulled one of my parsnips up for dinner, then I’m going to share it with you (as you can see here. I’m so proud of what we’ve managed to grow this year!!!).
People love to get to know the people behind the business, behind the brands even, so do the thing that scares you the most. Just be you online, show people the incredible person that you are and that you are relatable because you live a normal life. The good, the bad and the ugly. We’re only human after all. So, let’s be human together.
P.S. Please ignore the horrific decor, we’re still redecorating!!!!